The Swimming Pool and Spa Association of Victoria (SPASA) has moved to protect the jobs of the 10,000 Victorians employed in the swimming pool and spa industry with a $300,000 rescue package in response to Stage 3 Water Restrictions.

Advertisements on the program will appear in tomorrow's major papers Under Stage 3 Water Restrictions to be introduced on 1 January 2007, no new swimming pool or spa can be filled from the tap.

General Manager of SPASA, Mr Brendan Watkins said,"The industry for over three years has been working on water conservation programs with the Government".

"We have hundreds of small family business associated with the swimming pool and spa industry to protect these companies we have committed significant funds to establish a groundwater supply".

"Without the establishment of such a facility, thousands of jobs could be lost, costing the community millions and the State of Victoria the potential loss of significant manufacturing businesses." Mr Watkins said that whilst the swimming pool industry was busy in its traditional period leading up to summer, the real economic impact would be felt in the New Year when restrictions are introduced.

SPASA will be highlighting the availability of groundwater for prospective pool and spa owners at its annual Pool & Spa Expo in February.

SPASA will also highlight and promote to existing pool owners the best way of making their pools water efficient with information on the SPASA website. People wanting to buy a pool can find out about the SPASA water supply at

Swimming pool owners use less than 0.1% of the total amount of Victoria's domestic water supply.
Pool Water Use

Percentage of Total Victorian Domestic Water Use - 404,670 megalitres Pool Water 360 megalitres filling new pools and top ups Percentage of use 0.07%, less than 0.1%
Source www.yvw/home/waterconservation
