The Swimming Pool & Spa Association of Australia Ltd (SPASA Australia) today announced the appointment of SPASA Victoria CEO, Brendan Watkins to a significant representational role with the federal industry training advisory body, CPSISC (

The function of the Construction and Property Services Industry Skills Council (CPSISC) is to:

  • develop and promote national training standards and qualifications;
  • provide advice and assistance to companies and training providers on the use of these national standards and qualifications;
  • help promote jobs and careers in the construction and property services industries by encouraging quality training and highlighting career pathways;
  • work with industry to identify training needs and priorities and to influence the allocation of training places through Skills Australia; and
  • collect and analyse strategic intelligence to provide industry leadership, representation and advice in order to: influence government policy, priorities and regulatory arrangements (including occupational licensing) & build a quality training culture in the industries.

SPASA Australia Director (and SPASA Queensland President) Andrew Jakovac said, “This is a terrific opportunity to further influence and support not only the needs of pool and spa technicians, but to develop meaningful nationally-recognised pool construction education. We are the advocate for industry.”

SPASA Australia assisted the national retailers association, SPRAA in the development of the Certificate III & IV Competency Based Qualifications for Swimming Pool and Spa Technicians during 2012 (See: )  

This has led to a new player in the RTO market, the Sydney Institute of TAFE. (See: ) Importantly, Traxion Training is also collaborating with CPSISC & SPASA Queensland to help industry professionals have their existing skills recognised with a national qualification (See:  )

“Ours is a vibrant and diverse industry, and one that requires transferable qualifications that will eventually become career pathways for both aspiring pool builders and our technicians. Both SPASA Australia & SPRAA hold seats on these vital federal advisory committees.” added Watkins.  

Members are welcome to contact the SPASA Australia appointee: Brendan Watkins on 03 9501 2040


