SPASA Victoria strongly objects to the formation - and refuses to acknowledge - the Swimming Pool & Spa Alliance of Australia. It is a fraud.

SPASA Victoria will not join the Swimming Pool & Spa Alliance of Australia.

Only one national body exists, it is called SPASA Australia Ltd. All five State SPASA associations are equal members, and have appointed directors equally to this entity.

SPASA NSW cannot call itself “national” unless it is truly representative of all. This is a deception, as no other State SPASA association is a member.

SPASA Victoria is dismayed at the attempted hostile takeover of the SPASA brand within our State, by the NSW association.
The Swimming Pool & Spa Alliance of Australia has been formed without any knowledge or collaboration of SPASA Queensland, SPASA South Australia, SPASA Western Australia or SPASA Victoria. The announcement of yesterday has left every State office in shock.

Make one thing perfectly clear, there is no “alliance”. The vast majority of the Australian pool and spa industry have no relationship whatsoever with this breakaway group.

This surprise attack on all four State associations should bring into sharp focus the character of the individuals in NSW that have spent months plotting this comprehensive campaign, rolled out on Wednesday.


The NSW SPASA “Alliance” already advertising in every State as "SPASA" – is destabilising the value of every State association brand.

This will confuse consumers and weaken the SPASA brand for every State-based member – this action has created two SPASA identities in every State (eg: Search for “SPASA” in your State in the White Pages on-line).  

To the most important constituents - the members - the questions must be, which entity offers my company the greatest value? What does the NSW “alliance” offer you that State-based SPASA membership does not?  The answer is nothing.


There are close to 1,000 members of all SPASA State associations combined - SPASA Victoria has just under 300, NSW a similar number (though with a predominant focus on retail members and service technicians). The remaining members are located, in order of size: Western Australian, Queensland and then South Australia.

Each SPASA State association has recognised, for decades, a member class entitled National Supplier / Manufacturer Member these companies pay $7,700 pa to their home State in exchange for full member rights within every SPASA office.

This $7,700 annual fee is disbursed by the home State to each of the other SPASA offices to allow member servicing recompense (by way of example, SPASA Victoria received a total of $107,800 this financial year from its National Members, and sent $64,680 to the other SPASA offices).

SPASA NSW have advised they will not participate in the National Member arrangements. They will not recognise SPASA National Members in NSW.

Currently, recognised SPASA National Members are:

SPASA Victorian Based National Members
1  ARC
2  Astral Pool
3  Clevaquip Pty Ltd
4  Davey Water Products
5  Lincoln Pool Equipment
6  Pentair Water
7  Pool & Spa Poppits Pty Ltd
8  Pool Water Products Aust
9  Rheem Pool Heating
10 Spa Electrics Pty Ltd
11 Spa Industries
12 Sunbather Pty Ltd
13 Sunlover Heating
14 Supreme Solar Pty Ltd


1  Classic Pools
2  Nuplex Composites
3  Focus Products
4  Heliocol
5  Maytronics
6  Quartzon/Riversands

1 Biolab


1  Waterco  
2  Zodiac
3  LoChlor Chemicals

The national “member money” invested into SPASAC / SPASA Australia Ltd over recent decades has now been rendered void by SPASA NSW.

Legal advice has been sought on the apparent conflicts of interest, SPASA brand acquisitions and other issues that cannot be disclosed at this time. This SPASA NSW action parallels the recent NSPI Training collapse - one State wanting to speak for all.

The response of SPASA Victoria will be to – as we have done for 51 years - continually promote and protect the interests of our members. We guarantee to deliver full member rights and benefits to all Victorian and National members. 

SPASA Victoria will protect our heritage and the commercial interests of every SPASA Victoria member, we will do all that is required.

This a name change only – SPASA NSW becomes the Swimming Pool & Spa Alliance of Australia – same NSW Board, same NSW rules. The proposal is for SPASA NSW to subsume all State SPASA associations. The 4 “other” SPASA State associations are merely sub committee members – reporting to the NSW Board.

We call upon SPASA NSW to terminate the Swimming Pool & Spa Alliance of Australia folly immediately.

